Have your say about Regeneration Oxted

The first round of consultation for the Regeneration Oxted programme will start on 25 May. Local residents, businesses and visitors to the town will have the chance to see the initial designs and have their say on the four projects which will transform Oxted Town centre. Regeneration Oxted will improve the vitality and viability of the town centre by:

  • Achieving the removal of the Oxted gasholder and providing additional town centre housing on the site.
  • Making the town centre more attractive and supporting the town’s retail and evening economy through an Urban Redesign project in Station Road East and West.
  • Providing additional parking spaces for residents, visitors and local businesses.
  • Looking at opportunities to provide business start-up and office space in the town centre.

The consultation will be launched on 25 May at the Council Offices, where from 1.30pm to 8.30pm, representatives from the District Council, Surrey County Council and St William, the developer of the gasholder site, will be on hand to answer questions. This consultation will help shape more detailed designs for the town centre and will be followed by further consultation.

From 25 May until 9 June the plans can be viewed and commented on at www.tandridge.gov.uk/regenerationoxted or at an exhibition at the Council Offices in Oxted.

 On Thursday 18 May district councillors, county councillors, parish councillors and members of the Oxted Business Improvement District, will discuss the initial plans at a meeting of the Oxted Town Centre Working Group, chaired by the Leader of the Council, Councillor Martin Fisher.

Louise Round, Chief Executive, said: “We would like to invite all local residents and businesses to get involved and have their say, either online or by dropping in to the exhibition at the Council Offices. This programme represents a fantastic opportunity for us all to shape the future of Oxted and we are really looking forward to hearing your views.”




For more information contact Giuseppina Valenza or Charlotte Bradshaw on ku.vo1741806242g.egd1741806242irdna1741806242t@sno1741806242itaci1741806242nummo1741806242c1741806242 or 01883 732704/2742.


Party spokesmen: Councillor Martin Fisher (Con) 01883 712263, Councillor Chris Botten (Lib Dem) 07917 862130, Councillor Martin Allen (Ind) 01959 577201.