Residents in the Tandridge District are being sent a form asking them to check whether the information which appears on the electoral register for those living at their address is correct. A response is needed from every household even if there are no changes.
The aim of the Household Enquiry Form is to make sure the electoral register is up to date and to identify any residents who are not registered. It’s particularly important that anyone who has recently moved responds to the form.
Letters are being sent to over 36,000 properties. The easiest way to respond is online at, but the form also gives information about other ways to respond. The Council will send out reminder forms and if there is still no response, a visit will be made to the property to try and collect the information. If new people are added to the form, a separate form (called an Invitation to Register) will be sent.
Chief Executive Louise Round said: “Anyone who wants to vote in next year’s district elections must be registered. We are urging residents to check the form when it arrives and to respond promptly. Residents need to respond even if their circumstances haven’t changed.”
Residents who have not received their form by Monday 11 September 2017 should contact ku.vo1738548389g.egd1738548389irdna1738548389t@sec1738548389ivres1738548389remot1738548389suc1738548389 or call 01883 722000.