2021 Grant Applications – deadline to apply is 1st May 2021
2021 Grant Application
2021 Grant Application
oxtednewsletter March 2021 (4)
Surrey County Council is consulting on: proposed changes to admission arrangements for the majority of community and voluntary controlled schools for September 2022 Surrey’s relevant area – this is the geographical area within which schools must consult on their admission arrangements. Full details of the consultation and the changes being proposed are available at www.surreysays.co.uk. Why we are consulting We have a statutory duty to consult on admission arrangements if we intend to make a change. The changes being proposed…
oxtednewsletter July 2020
Hurst Green News April 2020
Draw Hurst Green! (our new project) We would like to invite everyone in Hurst Green, to help us by drawing pictures of local buildings! (see all the details in attached flyer). We would love as many people as possible from Hurst Green to join in. We thought this would be a good activity to do now, especially whilst we need to stay at home so much. We are hoping that lots of people from Hurst Green, (from the very young…
Due to the current crisis, the deadline for applying for funding from the Parish Council’s Grant Aid Allocation has been extended to 19th June 2020. P
Oxted Parish Council is delighted to have been able to provide financial support to Tandridge Voluntary Action (TVA) during these uncertain times. All the TVA staff, who generally work part-time, have increased their hours to coordinate the volunteers and provide support to organisations and individuals with issues and concerns caused by Covid-19. The Parish Councillors did not hesitate in agreeing to fund the additional overtime costs.
In view of the inability to, currently, hold public meetings the councillors are considering planning applications remotely and submitting comments to the Clerk for submitting to Tandridge District Council. Residents are reminded to submit any comments they may have to the Parish Clerk and TDC OPC Planning applications for 310320