
Oxted Parish Council Burial Ground Working Party – Saturday 7th September 2019

Oxted Parish Councillors will be at the burial ground on Saturday 7th September from 10am, to tidy the area, which is not contracted to the maintenance team, this involves clearing rubbish along the boundary fencing, clearing dead floral arrangements and general clearing. Volunteers to help would be most welcome. Gloves, litter pickers and sacks will be provided. If you can spare some time to help please contact the Parish Clerk on *protected email* or 07510 226989

Parish Council funds new entrance for Hurst Green School

Oxted Parish Council is delighted to have recently been able to help Hurst Green School. The school children have, for many years, had to enter school via a door which led them through the toilet area. With funding provided by Oxted Parish Council the school has a lovely new entrance which was officially opened by the Parish Council Chairman Councillor Katherine Saunders with the help of pupils Demi Oosthuizen and Oscar Benham. Also in the photo is Councillors Liz Parker,…

Litter Picking Exercise – Sunday 27th May

Oxted Parish Councillors are undertaking a litter picking exercise on Sunday 27th May. We will be meeting at 2pm at St Agathas and litter picking in the area until 5pm. All volunteers will be most welcome. Gloves, litter picking tools and rubbish sacks will be provided.

Silent Soldiers in Oxted and Hurst Green

Oxted Parish Council is pleased to have funded a number of Silent Soldiers which are going to be erected in Oxted and Hurst Green in memory of those who lost their lives in the wars. The first one was erected at the Oxted War Memorial on Saturday 12th May 2018   photos

Oxted War Memorial

  Attached is a beautiful photo of the new renovated Oxted War Memorial which Oxted Parish Council were delighted to fully fund. photos

Easy read guide to voting

In partnership with Mencap, the Electoral Commission has developed an easy read guide to voting in the local elections, for people with a learning disability. It includes information about registering to vote, voting by post or proxy, and what support people can have if they vote at a polling station.

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